Product Information

FDA 510(k) Application Details - K033559

Device classification Name: Electrode, Electrocardiogralh

510(K) Number: K033559

Device Name: 12-LEAD GLOVE

Applicant: INEEDMD

Regulation Number: 21 CFR 87.2360

Classification Product Code: DRX

Date received: 11/12/2003

Decision date: 12/22/2004

Decision: SE - Substantially Equivalent

Classification Advisory Committee: CV - Cardiovascular

Review Advisory Committee: CV - Cardiovascular

FDA 510(k) Application Details - K112123

Device classification Name: Electrode, Electrocardiogralh

510(K) Number: K112123

Device Name: 12-LEAD GLOVE

Applicant: INEEDMD

Regulation Number: 21 CFR 87.2360

Classification Product Code: DRX

Date received: 07/25/2011

Decision date: 08/12/2011

Decision: SE - Substantially Equivalent

Classification Advisory Committee: CV - Cardiovascular

Review Advisory Committee: CV - Cardiovascular

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The recording of an ECG using The EKG Glove System requires a second person or a medical assistant to first open the sealed pouch containing one disposable EKG Glove.

Following patient preparation (e.g., shaving the chest area on a hairy patient), the person or medical assistant places his or her right hand into The EKG Glove and peels off a protective layer from one side of The EKG Glove, thereby exposing the 10 electrodes embedded in The EKG Glove.

The person or medical assistant stands on the right side of the prone patient and places his or her hand over the chest of the patient, adhesive side down, in an orientation which is depicted in a diagram on the back of the glove/mitten and is explained in the package insert.

After the glove/mitten has been applied to the chest, the person or medical assistant removes his or her hand from within The EKG Glove, because the adhesive on the electrodes enables The EKG Glove to remain positioned properly.

Three electrodes on The EKG Glove are designed to be placed in specific positions on the patient's chest, one each under the right and left collar bone and the third on the lower end of the left ribcage. These extendable electrodes can be easily picked up and put in place without effort. The right arm (RA), left arm (LA), left leg (LL) are properly marked on these extendable electrodes. Notably, no electrodes need to be applied to the patient's arms or legs and no conductive gel needs to be applied separately by the person or medical assistant.

The EKG (ECG) Glove is designed for consistent placement of electrodes to reduce time, and thus costs, in the physician's office and in hospital settings. As mentioned previously, The EKG Glove is disposable after one use, the algorithm box and the cable are not.