
Wires and sensors are built into an actual glove or mitten that fits on the hand and then is positioned on the chest for registering data as required by the function of each glove. Some devices read out directly to the user. Others can transmit the data to a distant physician.

The primary product is called The Physician's Hand. This invaluable diagnostic and communication device sends data and video conferencing from a patient to a doctor, from anywhere, at any time.

Patients may reach doctors in emergencies and urgent situations wherever they occur. Equally important, scheduled visits with patients' doctors will be enhanced by follow-up and preventive care for chronic conditions such as hypertension and diabetes.

Other products include: an inexpensive
CPR Glove that can tell in seconds if an unconscious patient requires CPR; an
ECG Glove that replaces the mess of wires required for an electrocardiogram with a clean, fast and easy to use glove to register a full 12-lead ECG; a consumer
Sports Glove designed for sports enthusiasts to make it easy to monitor themselves.
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- Rationale: A new platform for providing medical biodata.

- Market Potential: Broad market appeal.

- The Company: Management and founders.
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